
Built NLP classification models to predict helpfulness of Amazon product reviews using PySpark on Hadoop cluster in a team.

Amazon Review Analysis & Application

Project Objective:

To help amazon optimize and improve its overall ecommerce experience through the scope of customer and seller

Project Approach:

Helpful reviews result in better sales performance, less return, and a higher conversion rate. ​​

In return, Amazon can better understand how to rank their reviews, and sellers can identify helpful reviews and use them to improve selling strategies and products.


Amazon Product Dataset: Amazon products across major categories with customer reviews, star ratings and helpful votes.

Original Variables

  • marketplace​​
  • customer_id​​
  • review_id​​
  • product_id
  • ​​product_parent​
  • product_title ​
  • product_category​​
  • star_rating​​
  • helpful_votes​​
  • total_votes​​
  • vine​​
  • verified_purchase​​
  • review_headline​​
  • review_body​​
  • review_date

Used Variables

  • review_headline​
  • review_id​​
  • review_body​​
  • customer_id ​
  • product_id ​
  • star_rating ​
  • helpful_votes ​
  • total_votes