

  • Our goal is to predict the sale price of a used car, which is a supervised regression problem. We pick our models base on two considerations, flexibility (accuracy) and interpretability.​
  • We value model accuracy over interpretability because:​
  • The industry we are in doesn’t require we provide explanation for the decision we make.​
  • Features of our used car dataset are easy to understand, thus making it easy for us to debug the model even without high model interpretability.​
Model Tradeoffs
Model Tradeoffs

Our Model Selection

  • Linear Regression​

  • Support Vector Regression with linear kernel​

  • Decision Trees Ensemble method ​

  • Bagging Trees (Random Forest)​

  • Boosting Trees

Initial Model Selection: ​

  • Linear Regression is not flexible enough to capture all the variance of the model​
  • SVR would be very slow to train. (SVR training time scale badly with large number of training sample)​
  • Ensemble Trees would be the best method as it is flexible and has decent interpretability​ ​

Our Approach

  • Train and tune all the models and compare the models’ accuracy​
  • Select the model with the best metric scores​

Our Metrics

  • R squared: the proportion of the variance explained by the model​
  • Root Mean Squared Error
  • Mean Absolute Proportional Error